Sunday, October 28, 2012

Bonus Day-Massey Wedding


  1. I had my dancing boots on and Henry wanted to go home to his fuzzy pjs and have a cold one at home! He won out, but we had such a great time! Everything/everyone was beautiful, festive and amazing! I definately think a new business is in the making! Vickie, hint, I'd love to help you get it off the ground!

    1. Anonymous = I know who you are. Vickie better watch or or you will organize this wedding business and start with franchises in a short time. LOL

  2. I guess you know ow to store pictures on the web and then link to the pictures. If you have a lot of pictures and want to leave it up to the person viewing the blog to look at them or not, linking is a good way to do it.


  3. I'm so proud of you Old timers figuring out this internet blog thing!!!
