Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Goofy Faces #7-Ipad Shots

Everyone is fascinated with the Ipad and thinks they need one...(me included) but if you have an Ipad, laptop for work, desktop for home and Kindle Fire for all gets a little too much!  All are great machines and in my mind have a purpose but I am not convinced that you need all of them...but maybe I will learn to use them and see the benefit.  That's right I am one of the foolish ones that have all the machines except the Kindle Fire because I prefer to read a hard cover book...ok that is bullshit too, I hate to read!

So usually when people start asking me about the Ipad I try to tell them to try mine first.  There are some great features to it but I not sure those are worth the money it cost for the machine??  Now there are plenty of people that love mother and my brother for example.

Anyway after dinner on Thanksgiving day Stephanie and Melinda decided it was time to play with my Ipad.  The next day I took some pictures for work and when I went to send them I found these on my IPhone...just in case you didn't know what you do on your Ipad shows up on your IPhone and vice versa.

I know after Stephanie's Birthday week you might be tired of seeing her but these were just too funny and I needed to fill in a couple slow days!  BTW when Larry Sr. was playing with the Ipad this summer he took some pictures of himself but for some reason I deleleted them or he would have been included also.

Enjoy and be careful what you do on someones Ipad!



  1. Great shots of Steph & Melinda. Are they going in the Xmas album this year? Remember the saying "what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas". No more pictures of me when I am around you. LOL

    When are you going to update your "slept in" map?
