Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Spring Break 2002-Key West

Well kids I am sure you remember the sights, sounds and...well we will leave it at that...of Key West.  What a great fun time this town is and while it was nice having you kids with us...your mother and I will probably have more fun the next time without you under age children!  Of course now that you are of age it could be fun too.

Grandma Clark and my favorite place!  Go Blizzard's!

After a day of walking, eating and drinking it was time to head to the pier to see the street performers and watch the sunset.


Great fun, Great Company, Great Times and Bucket List for sure!


  1. Looks like fun. I find that most of the stuff you suggest putting on a bucket list has been done by your kids....hmmm guess they have to find new bucket list places!

  2. This was tons of fun & Henry joined us, too! Guess the Hampton Inn helped convince him. Sorry that Ryan couldn't come. I LOVE THE KEYS! I'd go every year given the option. Hint, Hint, Mom & Dad, maybe it's time to go back to the Keys...
    Although Key West is most peoples destination, the rest of the keys are amazing and have fun things to do as well. The swimming is better above Key West, too! truly America's Paradise!

  3. Henry, the DQ in Vail called the other night and asked when you were coming back to the area. It seems they noticed a sharp drop off in revenue when you left. BTW: I still have two blizzards in the frig. Saving them for a special moment.

    Gerry and I both miss the Keys and would like to return one of these days. The sooner the better as far as I am concerned. We had a great time when the Hagadorns joined us down there. Never a dull moment and lot of things to do. Maybe the Keys are the place you could find your condo and we could all join you for the winter. LOL

  4. Been there and agree, it is definitely a Bucket List Place for everyone to visit. Always a lot of activity there. Just wish the road going in was a bit better. Very pretty sights all along the way.

