Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Cyr Lake House

Well kids as you know last Sunday and Monday we went to visit some friends at Lake Gaston.  Jeff Cyr is another Vestal friend who lives in Richmond, VA.  Jeff and Susie have been going to Lake Gaston for about 5 years renting a place out by the dam.  Last fall they ran across this place that was for sale and couldn't resist the deal.

The house was built in 1973 and was owned by a guy who was a DC lobbyist.  This house has tons of space and an unbelievable amount of storage.  Jeff and Susie are still in the project stage but they make time to enjoy the lake, boating, friends and other fun stuff associated with Lake Gaston.

Front of the house facing the street
Back of the house facing the lake
Huge garage with a work shop out the back

Florida room looking over the lake

Tom loves to cook and helped all weekend

Tom, Susie, me and Clarissa

Single boathouse for the jet ski 

Double boathouse for the ski boat and eventually a pontoon boat...BTW there was a 100' snake on the dock Monday!!

Corn hole on the back side of the boathouse.  Maria is Susie's daughter...she is graduating in a couple weeks then heading to Wake Forest!

You can say what you want but we know we are stud's...old but still stud's...ok well maybe we won't wake board, ski or jump off the 2nd floor of the dock...ok well maybe we are studs in our own minds

Susie and Jeff

Yes boys I am driving the Wake Boarding Boat...oh yea it was as cool as you thought it would be!!

They have a fun tradition that you will see in a couple days!!

Jeff and Susie thanks again for inviting us...we had a blast!  Great fun, great food, great place and great company!  Oh yea today Susie turns 50 so send her a Happy Birthday wish!!


  1. Wow awesome home. Looks and sounds like a fun place to be. Happy Birthday Susie. Hope you have a great day. Hi to Clarissa and Tom. Don't think Jeff and Susie know us but hi anyway.

  2. "A 100' snake" well that's just more of your grandfather's genes surfacing...

  3. Henry, great BLOG and great pics! The house is only as good as the people visiting and we had a great time with you guys!! Liz, Henry was a little over on his estimate of the snake. I heard it was only 75' And hi to you too.

  4. Jeff, obviously you have been drinking with Henry to estimate a 75' snake. Anyone else want to estimate the size of the snake (I was told it was under 6 inches) but as they say, the more you drink the bigger the snake looks :-)
