Monday, July 22, 2013

Happy Birthday Rose Kennedy

Well kids as you know one of my favorite things to tell people is that I plan on living till 105 and after they quit looking at me so strange I then tell them..."Well if Rose Kennedy can do it after all she went through then so can Henry Hagadorn"!

Anyway Rose Kennedy was born today in 1890!  She actually died in January of 1995 so she was a little short of 105 but if I can make it that close I will be happy with 104 years & 6 months.

I am sure you probably don't know a lot about her so I am going to give you a brief history lesson and then you will know the reason I say "all she has been through".
  • Rose was born and raised in Boston and her father was a politician
  • She married Joe Kennedy in 1914...he was a known womanizer
  • She had 9 kids
    • Joe Jr-Died in a Naval plane crash at age 29
    • John Kennedy-Assassinated as President of the US at age 46
    • Rosemary Kennedy-Underwent a lobotomy at age 23 and was put in an institution till her death at age 87
    • Kathleen Kennedy-Died in a plane crash at age 28
    • Eunice Kennedy-Died at age 88...she founded the Special Olympics
    • Patricia Kennedy-Died at age 82
    • Bobby Kennedy-Assassinated while running for President at age 43
    • Jean Kennedy-Still living
    • Ted Kennedy-Died from brain cancer at age 77.  Involved in a huge scandal where a woman in his car died.
  • So she delivered and raised 9 kids, outlived 4 of them, outlived 3 of her kids spouses, outlived 3 of her grandkids, put up with a cheating husband and many scandals that spread over several generations! 
Now you know the rest of the story!  By the way when I turn 105...Ryan will be 81, Stephanie will be 79, Sean will be 77 and Jared will be 74!  Your mother doesn't plan on being around.


  1. Glad you set the record got that right...I don't plan on being around for your 105th birthday or even your 104th! I'll make my card ahead of time for you...that way it won't be late!

  2. Good one Barb.....You won't get a card from me Henry because I will be with Barb wherever she is and YES Alcohol WILL be involved. We will leave "pulling the plug" to Griffin!!!

  3. Glad you told everyone, especially your kids, about Rose Kennedy. As you close in on 105, you may change your mind though!! Some of these old age days are a pain in the butt :-)

  4. Have to agree, but also have to add some of these old age days are pains in more than the butt. Are your kids willing to take care of you at those ages, Henry? Good luck with your plan!

  5. Interesting facts about Rose Kennedy. She was a "tough old bird". Do you plan on following in her footsteps? :-)
