Monday, July 15, 2013

Lake Gaston Visit

Well kids as you know we visited Catherine at Lake Gaston this weekend and as usual we had a blast!!  David was supposed to come with his friend but they had troubles so they couldn't make it. 

We arrived around 11:30 Saturday morning and the girls immediately started catching up on all you kids, our parents, our lives and everything going on in the Matlack/Joyner/Wilson families!

Still talking...BTW yes those are Big Al's chicken wings which Catherine makes us bring for rent!
At this point I said look how nice it is outside...I am heading to the dock!
That is our old dock
You guessed it...still talking and off I went to the dock!!

There were several rain storms that came across the lake but that's ok since we needed the exercise running up and down but after the 3rd one we decided it was time to put the lasagna in the oven and eat.  Because of the clouds the sunset wasn't one of the better ones but it was still pretty nice.

BTW in case you didn't notice Catherine has been doing weight watchers and has lost 37 pounds so far!!!  She looked great and has inspired us to get back on our Monday morning diets!
Your mother was the photographer for a lot of the photo's this weekend and I will start by saying the ladies had beer with their chicken wings for lunch on Saturday then they had Margarita's with extra Tequila in the bottle at the dock, then they had wine with dinner, dessert, sunset and the nightcap....and I'm not sure what else they celebrated since I went to bed!!  Somehow the excellent photo below came out of the 63 pictures of the sunset that she took....nice picture Barbara!
I was a little worried how the ladies would feel in the morning but everyone woke up you can see below.   The girls fixed breakfast which included scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, fruit, champagne and Catherine's favorite....a can of beer.
We spent a few hours at the dock today with a lot of sunshine and then we packed up and headed home.  Great time as always when we get to visit Lake Gaston!  Thanks again Catherine!!


  1. OK - first of all FABULOUS time sounds like it was had by all. YOU, Henry, kind of look "wasted" in the one picture. I know you will blame it on being "tired"....I don't know how or why Barb married such an OLD person!!

  2. Another great weekend with Catherine. I thought I sent a note but guess it didn't go. Don't have to ask if you had a good time. You always do with Catherine and at your beloved Lake Gaston. Catherine looks fabulous. Pictures were great as always.
