Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Cruise to the Bahamas'-Coco Cay

Well kids the cruise lines have these islands that they stop at and you can take a ferry boat from the ship to the island to spend a day in the 115 degree weather...our island was called Coco Cay. I know you think I am stretching the truth but it was sooooo hot that we could barely stay out of the water.

Heading to the Island

Even the water wasn't that refreshing
Pretty beaches but did I mention how hot it was?

Ok let's find some shade until we leave


If you look close that little hole on the side of the boat down towards the water is where you would get on and off the ship from the ferry.

Pretty small island in the middle of nothing


  1. Tell me Henry, was it hot on the beach? I thought the cold water would cool you off and it would be a pleasant feeling. Ocean City, MD in June the water is so cold your ankles turn different colors.

  2. Gee Larry, that sounds like the Adirondacks in July also!! Looks like a pretty island Henry, but too hot for us northerners for sure. Moved David to FL in August and that was enough to melt us so this island is not on our bucket list :-)but looks like all the Hagadorn's had a good time
