Monday, August 12, 2013

Cruise to the Bahamas'-Nassau

Well kids today we decided to explore the local culture, do some shopping and see the Atlantis Resort but there are so many pictures I am dividing them up over the next couple of days.

Behind the ship as we headed to shore

Atlantis in the background

World famous Straw Market...Stephanie and your mother were already inside making deals.  Pricing started at $75 on some of the products and they got them for $20!

 Time to get a beer and cool down
With our waitress

Your mother was fascinated with this little girl and how good she was at making the baskets...and selling them.


  1. I am still trying to do the math in my head... 2006 was 7 years ago....that made Jared...17 maybe???

  2. BTW - the little girl does not look happy that she had to make the baskets. OR maybe she was just unhappy that you are taking her picture instead of buying a basket!

  3. She is probably saying "My Mom makes me do this & I don't want to" :-( Still it is pretty neat to see how well they make things. Nice trip...nice cruise :-)
