Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Sunset Beach-Guest Blogger

Hey ya’ll its Taylor, guest blogger this week!  This past weekend Sean and I decided to escape to Sunset Beach, NC with some friends after a long work week for them and before my summer ended.  My Maw Maw and Paw Paw have had a house here since I was born so I have many wonderful memories there.  Last year Sean and I went with Barbara, Henry and Jared.
Yep, that’s Henry snoozing away. (2012)
Sean and I arrived a little after lunch time Friday and hit the beach right away.  The weather was beautiful all weekend so we soaked up some rays and enjoyed a few drinks before the rest of our people got there.  Henry is not going to like this next statement:  Sean and I are not huge fans of Ella’s, so we decided to go to Crabby Oddwaters for dinner, it was super yummy! Crabby Oddwaters is a restaurant right off the island.  The top floor is the restaurant and below they sell fresh seafood, Bill’s Seafood.

Finally, the rest of the group showed up and we started the weekend off right with a ‘Henry Hagadorn’ tradition, a tall boy Milwaukee’s Best.  I’m not sure where, when or why this tradition started but Amanda and I downed ours so we could start our wine drinking. The rest of the night we sat on the screened in porch playing Spades exactly by the rules by moonlight. 
After everyone came too woke up the next morning Lee and Amanda made a delicious breakfast for us and we hit the beach for the rest of the day.  Amanda and I soaked up every sunray beaming down while the boys played every beach game possible.  Of course there was football, Frisbee and bocce ball but what is the new big hit is Kan Jam.  We met a group that had driven down from New York the previous night just to enjoy little ole Sunset Beach.  With them they brought Kan Jam.  They explained the rules (points based on different ways a Frisbee comes into contact with the can) to Jared and Sean beating them first go around.  Then they made their mistake, they went for a swim while the boys practiced. During their brief dip in the ocean the boys mastered the game and creamed them at the rematch!

By this time we were all sun kissed and hungry.  The boys ran out grabbed a few groceries and Amanda and I grabbed some fresh seafood.  We all met back up and had the most delish shrimp boil ever finishing the night with a game of Phase 10 and a drink or ten two. 

Jared’s new dance move, you should ask him about it.

Sunday morning we hit the beach for another beautiful day.  Sean and Lee had to leave early for their Fantasy Football draft so we had to get a good start on the day’s activity-sand castle building.  Lee and Jared were the main builders, Amanda and I dabbled in it occasionally and Sean and Carlos laughed supervised for us. I think that it was a solid try but we have room for improvement next time.  The football boys left, the rest of us played for a little while longer before heading back to reality.  Another perfect weekend with some but not all of our favorites!  Until next time…


  1. Great blog Taylor!! Sounds like everyone had a ton of fun and I am glad you were able to correct the errors you made....we don't want Grandma or MawMaw to worry.

  2. Good job, guest blogger! Looks like a great beach trip!!!

  3. Hello tay tay!!! Great job on the blog!!! Super love ya!

  4. Looks like you had one final blast before going back to school Taylor. Great did a super job. We also like Ella's when we are there. We never heard of Crabby Oddwaters. is it near Ella's? Glad you all had a good weekend.

  5. Have to agree. Great job, Taylor!
