Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Good Luck Sandy!

Well kids unfortunately Aunt Sandy has to go in for more foot surgery on Thursday.  As you remember they tried something earlier in the year but it didn't work so now she is getting screws in her bone spurs, repairing the damage to the Achilles Tendon and then reattaching it! 

She will be laid up for 5-6 weeks but hopefully that will fix all her feet issues!

Good Luck Sandy!!

Oh by the way Sandy if you are looking for some more flowers from us you will have to print out this picture and put it on your TV!  LOL


  1. Best wishes that all goes well, Sandy!!! May everything be done to help so you don't have any more problems and you have a speedy recovery! They do look like nice flowers.

  2. Thanks! I am more worried about giving myself shots in my tummy than the actually surgery!!

  3. Tomorrow will be a busy (and very early) day and maybe a bit "fuzzy" for you Sandy but you will do fine. I would blow up the flower picture as they are so pretty and put the picture near you and pretend.

  4. Hope all goes well for you, Sandy! We hope that you do have a speedy recovery and all of your foot problems will be solved.
