Sunday, November 24, 2013

Griffin Update-November

Well kids as you know Griffin is growing like crazy and really starting to show his personality!  Right now he crawls all over the place, can stand on his own and can walk around the coffee table holding on.  My guess is he will be walking January 11th.


Taking after his Uncle Jared...passed out?

First Halloween basket and card from Gramib!

 Aunt Taylor having fun with Griffin


  1. Wow - he is standing and walking holding on already....that kid is amazing!!!! and ADORABLE!!!

  2. He is getting so big!!! I just love his expressions!

  3. Happy, serious - all great pictures. Yep, adorable!

  4. All of the above and more!!!!!!!!!

  5. I agree with everyone. Grif is so loved. Look how happy he is. What a doll. I am sure he will be walking by the time we see him. Hey Henry, you should start a contest....what day will Grif really walk?? I say New Years Day...who guess next??
