Thursday, November 21, 2013

Princess Stephanie's Birthday Week!-1986

Rachael and Kyle helping you celebrate

 Rachael and Stephanie

Stephanie and Mom
Stephanie and Big Bro Ryan
 Your mother loved to do this with all you kids...good thing my OCD hadn't kicked in yet!


  1. Well, it took a while but Stephanie cleaned up real well as she got older. Happy Birthday Week Steph.

  2. Such adorable photos. So that's when the hand on the hip started when being photographed. Happy Birthday Month, Week, Day, Steph!

  3. Looks like Stephanie really enjoyed her cake but Ryan says no I am touching her with that mess. Love picture #3. She was on her way to live up to being a princess!!!

  4. That is the best way to celebrate birthdays. I think you should do that this year Steph!!
