Friday, November 15, 2013

The Great Flood of 1999-The Bakery

Well kids the bakery did not fair as well as we did at our house.  The interesting part of this story is in 1996 we added the new section to the bakery and when we did the city made us either build a wall around the bakery or jack the bakery up 6'....we choose the wall saying the entire time that this was the stupidest thing we ever heard of!  The original side had been there since 1953 and never had a water problem.  We also had to build a retention pond and install giant pumps to pump the water out of the inside of the walls.

Well little did we know that even with this, the bakery would still go 6' under!

Today I will show you the pictures from a day or two after the flood and tomorrow I will show you the inside of the bakery.

It was a company policy that the controller had to take home the back-up tapes each night in case there was a major catastrophe at the bakery...well he did do that but unfortunately his house went under water and he was evacuated with the shirt on his back.  So they took a couple canoes and rowed into the bakery through the halls and to the stairs where he climbed up and got another set of tapes.  The reason this was important was they could plug these tapes into the computer system at another bakery and we would have all our information.  
There were fish, snakes and other creatures all over the grounds and inside the bakery
This picture and the one below it show the road in front of the bakery

This is the parking lot that I parked at

Once the water receded we were able to see the cars that were under water 


  1. I remember that and I remember being told that you wouldn't go in cause of the snakes and I thought I WOULDN'T EITHER....ewe is all I can say!

  2. Some things you never forget, That was a sad and scary time for all of you in NC. I remember shortly after, riding through neighborhoods and the destruction was devastating.

  3. We were so blessed you were at home when the brunt of Floyd hit. It was so awful to hear and wait for news of those at the bakery to see how they faired. To have some rescued with water to their chins is terrifying. You set up "command central" at the house with the house phone (thank God we still had one of them!), your cell phone, and even my cell phone. I stood by as your secretary fielding calls from one line as you were on another. I fixed you sandwiches and you ate them on the fly never stopping! The hardest part for me after the worrying was to keep the kids quiet enough for you to work! Haha Numerous customers were in awe of you and the company to rebuild and keep the bread, etc flowing even as others couldn't even communicate!
