Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Christmas with Uncle Dave & Gail

Hi all!  This is Uncle Dave and this is our Christmas guest blog on Henry's site.  Well to start let me introduce you to everyone in the family down here in sunny Florida where it is still warm enough to wear shorts!

From left to right...Diane (my daughter), me, Brock (Gail's son), Gail (my beautiful girlfriend) and Laila (Gail's daughter).
Every year Gail takes the kids to SeaWorld for the Christmas Season Spectacular!!  Sadly this year Diane and I could not make it but we won't miss it again.
We also go to Central Park for the Festival of Lights.  It's a magical one mile walk through thousands of lights finishing with an open pit fire, S'mores and hot chocolate!! 

                                                                                      Yep...Pink Flamingos!!

Being from God's Country does have it's drawbacks though and sometimes we have to improvise! 
Tobogganing Florida Style

The bad part is it only last 6 hours!
But nothing says Christmas like a visit from Santa!!

Never hurts sucking up to the man!! (Donna has a lot of practice with that)

Brock wants a Corvette (he told Santa he was 16 in his Xmas letter...naughty I think)

Laila just wants a Barbie Doll and world peace!  Oh and to be a real  princess.

Next was decorating the house and tree
Who doesn't love a Cowboy's Ornament


 Good looking 10 footer, EH (Gail is Canadian)

Not one person put this in their pictures with all the fighting that happened over it??

Took the kids to their Christmas Concert which was outside ( was a chilly 62 degrees)

Well that's our little Christmas traditions in a nut-cracker-shell.  We've baked, decorated and cleaned up many gingerbread men and sugar cookie stars.  We still have our annual Christmas Eve get together at the house to look forward to where Santa delivers gifts to all the kids...from a fire truck!!  (How cool is that??)  We have friends coming from Canada, lots of great food to consume, laughter to be had and yes, wine to be poured (that's for Gail) and of course some mistletoe to stand under!  The only thing left to do is get the boat out, go fishing and skiing because we only have a few more weeks till it gets too cold to go in.  You know I hate swimming in anything colder than 70 degrees!

Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow awesome pictures even though it is snowless (fake snow doesn't count Dave). Great times. They really do it up big in FL. Loved your tree and the decorations. Heard your concert was great Brock and Laila. Diane thanks for the boat shot---wouldn't most of us like being out in shorts right now. But, you are all missing this pretty REAL snow. Dad has shoveled or snow blowed the last 5 days and we all know how much David misses that...NOT!!! We all hang the Santa face that all 4 kids insisted they made. In reality, someone did make it and MOM then made one for everyone so the fighting would stop. Glad someone did remember to put it in there. Thanks Dave. Great pictures David, Gail, Diane, Brock and Laila. Merry Christmas in Florida
