Thursday, December 19, 2013

Christmas with Us

Well kids as compared to some, our decoration collection is rather small but the great thing about the Christmas season is that it is all about traditions and spending time together so big or small they are loved by that family!

As I'm sure you remember from last year we have had the same tree since 1989 and I think it looks great!  I know it is just like a real tree because the needles keep falling off of it and it takes till April to get them all vacuumed up!  I have no issue with the ceramic tree...we should put that on a stand in the corner...but who am I to say.

We have had tons of fun things that we did over the years from cutting down our own tree, spending time with the Ferentz's on Christmas Eve, going to your grandparents Clark the weekend before Christmas and your grandparents Hagadorn always coming here right after Christmas.  Do you remember Mary Oliver buying each of you kids a movie for Christmas?  It was a big thing back then to own a VHS movie and on Christmas morning we would open the presents, eat a big breakfast and then the 6 of us would watch movies together all afternoon.  Now that's some Christmas bonding time!!

Back then we didn't have any family that lived close by so while we watch all our friends and neighbors come and go all day we relaxed!  Seems so nice now that I think about how crazy our Christmas has now become.  This will be the first year that a grandbaby is in the picture and we are already making plans to visit Ryan & Griffin on Christmas morning.  I still believe letting kids stay home on Christmas is the best thing and sure helps the parents too but who am I to say!

Anyway below are some of our decorations and some other holiday thoughts.

Now that we have a back patio your mother felt like we had to put something up out actually turned out pretty good and it is fun to watch during a storm.
Mom's first Christmas decoration she bought when she was a teenager

We used to put the nativity set in the dining room but now that the microwave stand is gone we moved it to this table which I actually like better.  Grandpa Hagadorn made the nativity and Grandma Hagadorn made the pieces on the inside.

The new cabinet in the hallway which allowed us to set up the village again...wonderful

I would like to change this to "is finally gone"!!
This is one of my favorite decorations...does it mean gray or does it mean fat?  I almost didn't show you this because I know all you haters out there are going to comment..."in your case both"! 

Back in the 2nd grade I made this decoration and being the great brother that I am I made one for my little sister too (Aunt Sandy).  Well over the years as she got older and her mind starting going she started claiming that she made this.  Well I knew I did it and one year I said I could prove it because I remembered writing my name under the felt so we carefully tore back the felt and guess what...somehow she went in and erased my name and put her name on there...she always was sneaky that way!!  Soon after she made one for everyone but ended up losing hers in the flood.  I think about that story every year when I hang up this decoration.
I only show this one up because both Mom and Sandy love Pooh and we call Shawn Eeyore!


This is another cute little decoration that has little glitter on it and that wonderful glitter falls off all over the floor and table.  It usually takes till April to get it all up...Wonderful!
We do very little outside...hang that thing you see under the light and just last year we bought the trees and blow up things.  Of course we haven't turned them on once this year so more wasted money...but who am I to say.

Each year the HOA sells the luminaries and the entire neighborhood is lit up...another big pain in the ass thing to do and waste of money...I just can't wait!
I will finish up with a new tradition I started several years ago...the Christmas Book.  Each year right after Thanksgiving I pull together some cool photos that were taken throughout the year and put them in one book.  My original thought was to show the changes in the front of the house each year but then I quickly changed my mind to a family picture each year.

While most of you love Christmas and it is your favorite holiday of the year it is not my favorite.  My favorite holiday is New Year's because all this crap goes back in the attic!!  But I still hope everyone has a great holiday and has plenty of bonding time with their families.  Bah humbug!


  1. I never knew that about the nativity scene and I love it!!

  2. OK first of all you are pretty spoiled by your wife (12 days of xmas gifts) and yet you are still miserable. Takes a good woman to deal with you.
    Second....WHO puts Christmas decorations up in their BARE FEET????
    Third....I DID make the Santa; the original one BUT MOM made us each one when we fought about even though I'd like to credit it was your Mother who made YOURS!

  3. Funny you all mentioned the Santa...David just had it on his blog & was surprised that no one had a picture of it but now we do have some. I truly do not remember who made it....long time ago and I am know your forgetful but still Christmas loving mother. Pictures were great as always and looking forward to this year's book--hint hint--Patio looks super Barb. Your feet must be freezing or they sure would be if you were in "God's Country"
