Saturday, December 21, 2013

More Snow Angels!!

Well kids it appears that this snow angel thing continues to least you will be happy to know that these angels had clothes on!

 How do we get up without messing up the angel?

Donna help me!

 Seemed like a good idea at the time??

Ok enough Henry...I know there isn't any more snow on my butt!

Maybe you should consider Depends?
Well the challenge is out there...who will be next?  Your Grandfather said the excuse of "no snow" doesn't work because there is plenty of sand at the beach to do an angel!  He also said that alcohol was NOT involved in these snow angels!  I have a video of this also and will send it to you kids this morning.
Great pictures Mom & Dad...Donna said it was a ton of fun and funny at the same time!


  1. Love It! Now we know why we are the way the we are!!!

  2. It took a bit of time to convince me to do this..your father is the crazy one and always willing...but it was a ton of fun and a lot of laughs as you will hear in the video. Once I changed my wet pants, I felt a lot better. The things we do for you kids :-)

  3. Brave? Goofy? Fun loving? Taking a dare? All the above! Looks like you had a good time - except for the wet pants. Ugh! Will you repeat it this year? Merry Christmas!
