Monday, December 16, 2013

Stephanie & Shawn's Christmas Party

Well kids Saturday night was Stephanie & Shawn's annual Christmas party and as in all the past years it was a blast!! 

I wanted to start off today's blog with a little Christmas bragging about the Princess.  For the past 4-5 years Stephanie picks some kind of nice thing for our family to do to "give back" at Christmas.  As you know she stays in very good contact with her friends and family and then decides what we should do as a group.  Each year it involves kids and making sure they have gifts to open on Christmas morning.  We have helped a family with lots of medical bills for a sick child, a family that lost their parents and the older son was raising his younger siblings to sometimes just the shoe box collection.  This year Stephanie choose to support Jeff Gordon's Children's hospital and we all had to bring an unwrapped gift that she could drop off.  Great job Stephanie and thanks for keeping us on track on what the true meaning of Christmas is!

Ok now back to the party and what a party it was!  You can always count on plenty of outstanding food when Stephanie and Shawn have an event.  This year Shawn deep fried 2-10lb turkeys and there was tons of side dishes to go along with it.  As you will see there was plenty of family in attendance along with plenty of adult beverages.  Thankfully someone thought ahead and had some homemade apple juice in a mason jar so we didn't get too far out of line.

Grant riding the racing lawn mower and Sammy (Shawn's Dad) helping with the turkey
Jared carrying in one of the turkeys, Shelton with a photo bomb and Hannah, Stephanie & Laurie(Sammy's wife) enjoying a Christmas chuckle

Shelton & Sammy

 Melinda, Stephanie, Hannah and Jared...nice smile Hannah!
Time for some apple juice
 Melinda trying to decide which one she wants first!

You can always count on one thing...if Melinda & Jared cross paths...Jared is going to be getting him some Melinda time!! 

 Shelton, Melinda and Shawn
Melinda and Robert

The perfect Christmas Tree!! 
 Now I'm not sure what Larry and Jane got into before they got to the party but there sure was some kissing going on!!
Ryan and Grant

Jane getting her some Barbara and Henry time!!

Not sure what this is all about??

Laurie, Stephanie and Jane

Sean and Taylor went to the beach to visit Taylor's grandparents so they couldn't make it but everyone else was there and everyone had a ton of fun.  Thanks again Stephanie and Shawn!!


  1. Looks like great fun - wish we were closer and we would have crashed the party. I did not know that Stephanie did the "give back" and I think its a wonderful idea!!
    OK I need to know more about the "apple juice"; is that a southern redneck thing? Is it real apple juice??

  2. Great pictures of a great party it sound like. Love the giving idea Stephanie. You sure help make some people very happy. Nice going granddaughter. Glad all had a good time. Christmas is a fun time despite what your father says Steph:-) We had our party Sunday night and had a great time with family, friends, and neighbors. Can't believe I never took one single picture. So busy having fun that I forgot :-(
    Love the #3 gift Henry
