Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Baby Week-Ryan

Well kids since it seems all I hear about anymore is babies, babies, babies I thought I would share some more pictures of when you kids were born or shortly there after!  It's a funny thing when you have four kids...the first one born has about 100 pictures, the second one 75 pictures, the third one 25 pictures and by the time poor old Jared came around I had to cut some out of a magazine!! 

But first a couple pictures of Griffin.

The worse Grandfather ever!!

I will start with Ryan and each day you will see one of you kids.  Ryan was born on February 27, 1984 so I was 23 and your mother was 25...soon to be 24 & 26.

Ryan had a real "cone" head when he was born just like Griffin.  BTW I was present for all the births but I got progressively worse with each one to the point I couldn't stay in the room with Jared...I stood in the doorway!  Also cutting the cord isn't as cool as everyone says it is either!! 



  1. Ok, this is the 3rd attempt a writing my words... I seem to be hitting the delete button, so all my funny thoughts are past, .. So, I know this is your Dad's blog, but as the adoring Mother of eac of you...I had a few words! As you know we lived in Va. Beach for the first 3 of you. We had a wonderful Dr. who was quite well known and was an advocate of the "non-violent childbirth". We had lower lights, soft music, and a LeBoyier (sp) bath. The idea was that the bath would most resemble the womb and help the tranisition from womb to birth. It was amazing to watch your Dad hold Ryan minutes after birth in the bath (which was the temp of the womb) seeing them bond and seeing Ryan "swim"! The Dr. & nurses clicked off an entire roll of film and gave it to us to have developed! I loved the idea! They also had a birthing chair, but I drew the line at that! Unfortunately, Ryan, you were stubborn and didn't want to come out easily, so you were the first and last to need the use of forceps! So much for non-violent! Oh well, the rest was now you know why he had the conehead!
    Best of wishes to Ryan, Dee, and Griffin! May your lives be wonderful, loving & may you be secure in this world in your own family unit!
    Lastly, but not leastly, the rest of you (EXCEPT JARED) need to get a move on, once I have one grandchild, don't think I'm so easily satisfied!!! He needs playmates!

  2. It seems like just yesterday Ryan was born. He was nice enough to come to my trailer when he was still young enough to be just crawling and THROW UP on my floor....isn't family great.!!
    Don't worry - I am sure Grandma has LOTS of picture of Jared... Grandma's don't care if you are the first or the 9th - just look how many pictures we have of Diane!

  3. Congrats to Ryan & Dee & Griffin's grandparents too! He is darling!!! Henry, I still can't believe you are a grandfather - you still look so young! Not to say Barb doesn't, but you know how Henry has always looked so youthful!

    I love the pic of Henry, Ryan & Griffin!

