Saturday, February 9, 2013

Good Luck Grandma Clark-Day 5!

Well Gerry by now you are probably ready to really consider murder so I thought I would show some fun pictures!
Not sure where this is from?
Darlene and you celebrating Barbara's 18th Birthday!

Barbara going to her 25th High School Reunion

Sean and Annie making out!
You, Barbara & Larry Jr. in 1979

This may have been the last time anyone has seen Larry in a pool??

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Henry, you pulled out all the stops for this POD! Some oldies but goodies! See how wonderful & easy-going the 70's & 80's were???! :)
    Mom, Dad, may the issues cease and the rehab begin! You better get ready for us to visit! Double your reps, Dad!! Hugs to both of you!
    Ryan, so glad Griffin's home and it's time to double celebrate that and your pending 29th birthday!
