Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Good Luck Grandma Clark!

Well kids as you have come to realize...both of your Grandmother's take extremely good care of your Grandfathers to the point that some might say if they weren't around your grandfathers might not eat, wear clean clothes or even leave the house!  Now I know that both of your grandfathers have stepped up in the past when your grandmothers have had operations but I am not sure that it has evened out!

That brings me to this weeks topic...as you know your Grandpa Clark had knee surgery yesterday and all went well.  This surgery is long over due and we are all glad he had it done.  He also needs to have his other knee done but that will come down the road.

So while I think it is a great thing that he had his knee replaced, I think the real hero is going to be your Grandma Clark.  See Grandpa Clark can be a little stubborn so she is going to have her hands full.  The way I see it at the end of the day she will be exhausted and need something to motivate her each morning before she starts her nursing duties so I have planned several POD's that will hopefully bring a smile to Grandma Clark's face and give her enough will power to take care of your Grandfather...this is why I say GOOD LUCK GRANDMA CLARK!!!

Just in case you think I am not being fair to your Grandfather we did get him a gift card to Red Box so he can watch plenty of movies while he is recuperating.  Don't tell him but this also gives your Grandmother a chance to leave the RV once a day for some peace and quiet!!

Well Gerry I am going to start with one of your favorite places...the Florida Keys.  Remember how Barbara would take the kids to visit during Easter break each year...or most years until again the kids had to grow up, go to college and get their own life!!

You may need plenty of wine so stock up

I know DQ is one of your favorite places...Blizzard's rule!!

Great outdoor dinners at Islamorada Restaurant

Remember Silverman?

After the street acts we would watch the sunset

Another favorite was the No Name Pub...a classic! 

Good luck Gerry and may the force be with you!!  BTW if any of you haven't experienced the Keys and Key West you need to add it to your bucket list!!


  1. Hope you are on the mend soon Larry. My thoughts are with you Gerry!

  2. Glad your surgery is done Larry. You will be glad you did it. Hope your recovery is short..for both your sakes :-)
    Enjoyed the Key West pictures. Loved it there& agree everyone should go there ore than once. Fun place.

  3. What a surprise POD! And, it brought many great memories to mind and put a smile on my face. I'm getting ready to go to the hospital now and will tell Larry all about it and relay all the good wishes. Thanks a bunch! Oh, yes, looking fwd to those Redbox rentals, too.
