Saturday, March 16, 2013

Vacation--Day 1

Well kids 2 weeks ago today we were up early and off to the airport.  Your mother wanted to save some money so rather then flying first class non-stop like I wanted to do she made us take a flight that connected in Dallas.  It really wasn't that bad and we got to eat some Dickie's BBQ which is one of my favorites.

We arrived in Phoenix around 1:30pm and your Grandparents Hagadorn picked us up at the airport.  From there we checked in and grabbed a quick bite to eat at a place across the street from the hotel called Bill Johnson's Steakhouse...since we ate breakfast and lunch already I just had something light.

I'm not sure if you know this or not but you have a great Uncle that lives in Phoenix...he is your grandmothers youngest after lunch it was off to visit him and his family at their house. 
Uncle George's House
Grandpa Hagadorn, Rose, George, Grandma & Grandson Michael
Rose, George & us
George's daughter Veronica and Michael
After a nice afternoon chat we went back to the same restaurant to eat dinner but there was a 45 minute wait so we went to the Hilton Garden (where we were staying) and ate there. 

Hilton Garden for dinner
Erin, Herb and the kids were in town for Christopher's karate tournament so they stopped by the hotel for a quick visit.  The twins have really grown up (now 5) since the last time we saw them...if you remember there was a whole lot of crying going on back then.  The kids were very good and gave everyone plenty of quality time to find out what was on their minds.

Herb, Christopher, Erin, Caden & Abigail
Then it was off to bed for a good night sleep after a long the way we were in 3 times zones today so I must be tired!


  1. That's the kind of pool ya'll need to get!!!! Looks like a busy first day!

  2. Looks like a good time!!! Good thing some of us stayed behind and worked hard to pay Mom/Dad's social security.

    1. Great times. So glad Henry & Barb could join us. Fun times out west. Guess we liked the Big Apple since we ate there 9 times :-)

