Monday, April 22, 2013

High School Friends

Well kids as you know we have a pretty tight group of friends here in town that I went to high school with.  Some how we all ended up in the Charlotte area over the last 35 years.  That's right 35 years ago this June we graduated high school! 

The leader of our group is Tom Robinson and if it wasn't for him organizing these outings they might not happen.  Friday night we met at a Ethos Southern Bistro And Martini Bar in Salisbury for dinner and then to a local watering hole for a quick drink...these late nights (got home at 11:30) are killing an old man like me!

Anyway fun times for us and now that we have been doing this for so long I think even the non Vestal spouses have come to love it.  We started this in 1991 with just Robyn, Tom and I but this entire group has been getting together since about 2002.  We try to do something 4-5 times a year.

Robyn Basset Slattery, me, Cindy Crewson Sherrill, Ken Wasko, Dave Chubb, Cathy Hoke Chubb, Tom Robinson

1 comment:

  1. What a good looking group. Glad you are all having so much fun.
