Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Highland Games-The Athletes

Well kids the track & field games that they play at the Highland Games are not your typical ones and the athletes do not look like your normal buffed out jocks but it sure was fun watching them.

This first set is called "Tossing the Sheaf" which weighs 16lbs.  Now Melinda said that back in the day these were actual sheep that they tossed but I think when she heard that story she may have already had a couple Gaelic Ale's in her system...just saying.  Anyway the guys stick a pitch fork in the bail and try to fling it over the bar.  As you can see the bar is pretty far up and only a couple were able to do it.

 The next game was the hammer throw which also weighed 16lbs and is 4' long.  As you can see they wind up and throw it out in the field.  I think most throws are between 250-270'.

The last game I am going to show you is called "Turning the Caber".  This is a 19' long pole that weighs 175lbs.  The object is to run with the pole for a short distance then throw it up so it flips over.  Like with the "sheep" throwing we didn't see a lot of success in this game...but fun to watch and one guy bent over so far he mooned your mother! 

They had a traditional burning of the retired American Flags ceremony that was pretty cool except for the guy lighting the flags was so old he fell when he was doing it (carrying gasoline)...the crowd got tense but he was successful and didn't light himself on fire!


 The last thing I am going to show you was the Sheep Herding which is a crowd favorite.  Farmers use Sheltie's to heard the sheep back to the farm or to keep them from running away in the fields.  The farmer uses a whistle for the commands and it is amazing to watch.  They also had the dog perform a show using ducks.  When the show was over they put the sheep in a field behind everything and the dog watch's over them until the next show.  I have to say it is amazing and you can understand why it is a crowd favorite.

That's it for the Highland Games.  Thanks again Melinda for inviting us!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had a great time at the Highland Games....a bucket list item for sure...and who better to enjoy it with than Melinda & Robert. Enjoyed the pictures..even if Melinda had too much to drink..just sayin Melinda :-)
