Sunday, April 14, 2013

NY Invasion & Toy Chest

Well kids as you know your Grandparents Hagadorn, Aunt Sandy, Aunt Donna and Uncle Mike all came for a weekend visit on Friday.  The trip was pretty uneventful with a few traffic delays and a lot of bathroom I am not going to name names but depending on who you talked to depended on who wanted to stop more!!  Anyway the important part was they made it safe and sound around 5:45pm after leaving at 6am.

The weather was perfect so we ate Big Al's Chicken Wings and Pizza out on the patio.  Ryan, Dee, Griffin and Sean all showed up for a visit and of course Griffin got the most attention!  Today we plan on going to Stephanie's for lunch and then back to here to celebrate Grandpa's 75th birthday.

One of the big surprises of the night was Mom getting her very own toy chest!  If you remember correctly Mike & Donna built a toy chest for Griffin and your mother fell in love with it.  She told both Mike and Donna how much she liked it so they decided to build one for her!  Mike is quite handy and has built a few things for our family now...thanks Mike & Donna!

 She was so surprised and excited she was jumping up & down!!

 The front says Grandma's toys

 Great job Mike and Barbara thanks you

Everyone was very excited to see and hold Griffin.  Ryan, Dee & Griffin plan to be around for all the events so there will be plenty of Griffin time over the weekend.  I am sure he will be wore out by the end of the weekend!

 Aunt Sandy

GG Hagadorn
Aunt Donna will get her turn on Saturday

Dad & Aunt Donna

Grandpa and Ryan

Sean and Uncle Mike


  1. You should get Donna & Sandy to sign up for a gmail account while they are there so they can comment on your blog.

    The chest looks very nice and he did a great job on it. I wish I had that kind of talent and patience, but it's not to be.

    Party on!

  2. Couldn't ask for a better weekend to help Henry celebrate is 75th birthday. Lots of fun and lots of Griffin time. He is a trooper for sure. With all the passing around, he only cried when he was hungry or had a dirty diaper. You guys sure know how to throw a good party. We all had a blast.

  3. What a weekend! As if it wasn't enough to see the NY gang, we also got to celebrate Mr. Perfect in every way's birthday-75th no less, see the kids a ton, see Griffin a ton, and I was so amazed with my toy chest!! I can't wait to use it, but it's so beautiful that even if I didn't put anything in it, I'd be beaming! Mike, you outdid yourself and Donna you're awesome to plant the bug!! It's been the BEST time with EVERYONE!!! A Mom/Grandma's dream come true!
