Monday, April 15, 2013

Grandpa's Birthday Weekend

Well kids it was a big day on Saturday with lots going on...plenty of food, beer, fires, corn hole and PICTURES!!!!  Hopefully a fun time for all and still another day to go. 

We started off the day at Stephanie & Shawn's house where they treated us to lunch and some relaxing lounging around in the beautiful NC weather.  Ryan, Dee & Griffin came by also.  Then we were back to our house to celebrate Grandpa's birthday once again!

We have a ton of pictures of individuals, groups and couples but I won't torture you with all of them.  If you would like more I can get them to you.

Stephanie & Shawn's backyard with the birthday boy

Back to our house

Mike insisted on cooking then almost burned the house down

This next group of pictures is what we look forward to the most...ok well that's a lie but the ladies of the house enjoy it.  I always like to get one complete family picture for the cover of our Christmas book and I certainly have a few to choose from now.



 Mike, Donna and Sandy had never played corn hole before but Mike caught on quick and a couple times cleaned house...ok well sort of.  Sandy didn't do bad either and it wouldn't surprise me if Mike's new project will be to build the girls some boards.


This is absolutely the last time we are going to celebrate your birthday in least we know where Stephanie gets it from.


 Of course the evening wouldn't be complete if someone didn't end up in the hot tub and of course you can always count on your mother being one of those people.

Great food, great times and great company!


  1. We are back home now and yes it was a great time, great food and great company. Thanks to all the family for coming over especially Griffin...I know I am talking like a GG- Great Grandma but he is so adorable. Henry & Barb, as usual you were the hostess with the moistest. We had a super time. Thank You. Dad got home to a bunch of cards & a nite out from Eaton's. I think this may go on until the end of April :-) I gave him lotto tickets--only 1 winner but $2 he didn't have before. Thanks again all for a super weekend

  2. What an amazing weekend it was, I agree, Lizzie/Great Grandma! Ryan and Dee were awesome letting all of us steal Griffin away for the weekend!
    The kids hosting Luncheons were fantastic, too! Thanks!
    Henry, you have definitely dragged this out long enough tho, I don't care if it IS your 75th, this has gone on since Christmas with the gifts, then thru the winter planning, then March with the races, now April with the celebrations! I hope you've enjoyed're 75 only once in a lifetime!
    Thank you Sandy, Donna & Mike (the cornholer) for travelling so far to see all us North Carolinians!
