Friday, April 12, 2013

Spring Break 1996-St. Augustine Lighthouse

Well kids today we decided to explore (and climb) the lighthouse located at the north end of Anastasia Island.  This lighthouse was built in 1874 and is 165' tall.  There was something a little spooky or weird about it...especially for Sean and me but more on that later.  The legend has it that there has been a lot of paranormal activity in the lighthouse including voices, shadows, strange sounds and the faces of 2 little girls who supposedly drowned back in the 1870's.  It has been featured on the show Ghost Hunters too.

219 steps to the top!!

Great View

Now you may have noticed that Sean and I were not in any of the pictures above and that is because we felt some of the paranormal activity and couldn't step out on the observation deck.  After Barbara continued to make fun of us I finally stepped out for a 2 second photo and then right back in!  What Jared was thinking this day I have no clue because I can't even get him to climb my ladder to take stuff off the garage attic shelf now a days!!

You can say what you want but I am not going out on that ledge

Ok now that we are inside we can get pictures with Dad

Back down the 219 steps!
Certainly another thing to add to your Bucket List!  Fun time and great memories even if Sean turned out to be the brave one and Jared the chicken...don't worry Jared I have always been a chicken and proud of it!

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