Monday, May 27, 2013

Bonding Day with Jared

Well kids as you know we always appreciate when we get to have some bonding time together.  For what ever reason we always seem to have some one on one time with each of you but we feel like we only see Jared at group events so we made a plan and today was our one on one time!  We were planning a day of bonding with Jared at Speed St. but Grandma got a chance to baby sit Griffin while Ryan went to the Nationwide race so Jared said he would come to the house. 

We had a great day together including a trip to the dump, liquor store, gas station and Big Al's.  Believe it or not we even witnessed a wedding at Big Al's...Jared said that this brings a new meaning to a "destination wedding"!!!  Like your mother Taylor has a hard time staying away when Griffin is close by so when we got back from our trip to the dump Sean and Taylor were there...of course now we had to bring out the corn hole boards so Jared and I could school Sean and your mother!

Anyway great day, great fun, great chicken wings and always a favorite when we can have some "bonding time"!!



Just in case you didn't believe me that there was a wedding at Big Al's!



  1. Seems to me that Jared IS a party waiting to happen. Whenever he is around everyone else just gravitates towards him. Looks like a great time!!!

  2. Glad you had such a great day "bonding". And yes, Jared is always a party in the making. We love you Jared :-) I think Grandma and Taylor have a built in "Griffin" sensor but I don't blame them, he is just so adorable. What a smile...would melt anyone's heart. Have a fabulous Memorial Day everyone and thank you to all our military for giving us this free day to have fun. here today is Dad mowing and me getting ready to put flowers in (which I have to go get tomorrow). Finally warming up some and by weeks end, will be near 90. Not what Dad wants to hear :-(
