Friday, May 17, 2013

Happy Mother's Day and Happy Birthday-Part 2

Well kids Wednesday's post was about visiting/eating and today is all about the gifts!  Not only did we celebrate Mother's Day for Vickie, Barbara and Jane we also celebrated my birthday and Grant's birthday. 

I know everyone was thrilled with their gifts but really appreciated the bonding time that we had together.  I can't wait till next year to get my new Chevy Suburban!

Mom got 2 Pandora charms...1 from Stephanie and 1 from me! 

Jared gave her a wind chime and a frog

Vickie gave Mom a wine cork bracelet and Sean/Taylor gave her more jewelry

Grant got a couple gift cards

I got a fancy new watch from your mother

 All you kids gave me a new grill that is half propane and have charcoal!!

Thanks again for a great day!!


  1. It looked like a great day with a lot of nice gifts. Griffin was held by everyone and didn't seem to mind to much. Just a couple of questions:
    1) Did Jared have to show you how to work the watch?
    2) Did you need a new grill cause Pork burned up the old one?

    1. yes and I can't figure out if there is a plastic cover on the watch?? It's a funny thing about a grill...everyone says your grill is terrible until you get a new one then everyone wants your old one!!

  2. Wow looks like you all had a fun day with lots of nice gifts. Great times for Henry, Barb and Grant. There is a lot good to say about "being spoiled rotten". I am a true believer that it is nice to say it should happen to everyone. Nice pictures and nice day. I see I have a lot of "nice's" in there but you get the message :-)

  3. It's too bad that you couldn't spread those celebrations over three weekends and freeload at Sean & Taylor's. Maybe next year you can spread it out a little longer or have the celebrations at your house. It would give you a reason to put the leaf back in the table.

    Wish we were there for the festivities.

    1. Listen Stephanie celebrating her birthday for a month is long time so 5 hours at Sean & Taylor's was just perfect!!

  4. Ooops, forgot to mention one thing. I thought the gift from Jared to Barb was one of those sticky fly catchers. The chimes blend into his shirt and look like a nice design.
