Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day Mom!

Well kids I know I said that your mother was the greatest ever but that was yesterday and today my mother is the greatest mother.  See Mom's have this special gift that make all kids feel like they are very special and in some cases like they are the favorite but in my case I know I am the favorite because I was born on Mother's Day...that's right today is also my birthday!  So no matter what Donna, Sandy or David tell you, you now know the truth!

Mom I know I thanked you a 1,000 times over the years but it never hurts to say it again.  I love our time together and the great memories of our life together.  Thanks for making it so special.

Now just to be fair I put the other kids in the blog too even though I know deep down that you would prefer to just look at pictures of me.



  1. Happiest of Mother's Day, Lizzie!! So glad we found each other over 30 years ago!! You're the best "Mom" I could have to go with my own Mom!! have the best of days. I love you!

  2. OK Today I concede that YOU can be the favorite BUT only because its your birthday!! We are lucky to have our Mom and I truly believe that ALL of us are her favorites. HOWEVER, we lost a lot of our favoritism when the grandbabies came along and now that Griffin is here we probably lost even more. But even a little favorite of Mom's make us special!!! Love you Mom.

  3. Wow, now I do feel special. Great day for all Mom's for sure. I know mine will be fun...going out to dinner with the "favorites" here in town to my favorite restaurant Cortese. My favorite Friday restaurant is still Consols but I know I will enjoy today. Wish all my kids were but they are in my heart so that is good.
    Love You All and thanks making Mothers Day such a special day for me. Thank You Hon for all the great Mothers Days you have given me also.
