Wednesday, May 22, 2013

It's not my fault

Well kids as you can imagine some idiot that doesn't know how to drive ran into the princess a few weeks ago!  He was driving a big truck and took a wide swing to turn right and ran into the back of Stephanie's car.  Then to top it off another idiot witness said that my little girl try to speed up and go past him instead of letting him turn...which means Stephanie is at fault! 

Now I know you will agree with me that this is impossible to believe but when she couldn't get the police officer to change the police report she called her Sargent...who by the way agreed with Stephanie!  Unfortunately it was too late and while there were no tickets issued she was found at fault by the insurance company!  Oh and by the way she let the insurance company know what she really thought too!  Stephanie at least you didn't go down without a fight!

Happier Days!


Just saying??

I don't know how the wall jumped out in front of the jet ski??

Next Purchase??


  1. I am with Stephanie on who can put together a grill; or do all the repairs/upgrades on her house, WHILE looking fantastic would ever be a fault.
    Steph - you need a little red convertible so your scarf can blow behind you in the wind!!
    Everyone say "Nationwide!"

  2. Now everyone knows why Stephanie is the PRINCESS!!! Just say'n Dad. Also everyone knows that big old truck can see your "Susan" and shouldn't have hit her :-) You go Girl :-)
