Sunday, May 5, 2013

Wells Fargo Championship

Well kids as you know the boys and I went to the Wells Fargo Championship yesterday and luckily this year no one got hit by a golf ball!  Being the smart guys that we are we went back to the same exact spot where Ryan got hit but no luck!  Phil did hit a woman on the 16th that was in her 70's...she was going to be ok but needed some medical attention because she was bleeding.

It was a fun day but very cold in the morning and late afternoon.  We saw some great shots and some that we thought we could have done better at!  I think we ended up walking the entire course a couple times.  Even though you are not supposed to use your camera we did manage to get off a few pictures.  We probably could have taken a lot more but we didn't.

This was on the way in and we hadn't caught up with Jared yet

We ended up finding a nice hill to sit at on the #17 green and stayed there for about an hour.  As you can see below the green was pretty close and across the water was #14.  If you really look close at #14 you will see a golfer heading to the water.  His ball wasn't in the water but he had to take his shoes/socks off and put one leg in the water to complete his shot!

I don't really understand why but I guess since the guys were out having fun the girls felt they should do something also.  So Stephanie, Taylor and your Mom met for lunch and some shopping!
Fun day, cold day but even if you are not a golf fan attending one of these tournaments is a lot of fun and certainly should be added to your bucket list!  Our goal is to some day get tickets to the Saturday round of the Master's but until then it might be the BC Open in Endicott, NY!


  1. Hmmmmm - no hat what's with that!! I have tickets to see Tim McGraw at the DICKS Open (hasn't been the BC Open in years)....that is as close to golf as I get!

  2. I think I'd rather see Tim McGraw, too....!! So glad the guys had a bonding day, but sorry it was SO COLD!!! Wish someone would have been on TV again, but happy no one was hurt making this blog...haha Our girls day wasn't planned, but it was fun anyway!!

  3. Sounds like you had a fun day...sorry it was so cold. For a change, NY was gorgeous, sunny & so nice. Love those black socks Jared :-) Guess I shouldn't ask, but did the girls do any "interesting " shopping?? Another gorgeous day here in God's Country.
