Thursday, June 27, 2013

4th Lake

Well kids when I grew up our summer vacation consisted of going to 4th lake.  We would always go the last week of June and the first 2 weeks of July.  4th lake is part of a chain of 8 lakes and Old Forge Pond that is located in the Adirondack Mountains.  We always had a lot to do there so I thought I would share some of the stories over the next couple of days.

As you can see in the picture not all of the lakes were connected but we could drive our boat (Speedy) from 4th lake to Old Forge Pond.  The lakes were connected by smaller streams/rivers and they were always "No Wake Zones".  5th lake was just a giant pond and motor boats weren't allowed, 6th, 7th and 8th lake were not connected although there were plenty of people each year that would take canoe trips and carry the canoes to get to the upper lakes.
We would always rent a cabin from the Yeager family who owned the property.  Their property consisted of 5 rental cabins and the big house that they stayed in.

This cabin had 4 bedrooms, a huge living room and a huge kitchen
Uncle Dave and Aunt Sandy
Grandpa, Uncle Dave and Aunt Donna
Grandpa's friend Don, me and Grandpa cooking dinner 

Great Grandpa and Donna


 A double boathouse and in the background another dock was on the property

Seagull Rock

The property had a lento, a fire pit, rocking logs that you would try to knock each other off of and plenty of places to explore. 

The Yeager's had a dog named Penny which was a boxer and it seemed like every year that dog would get in a fight with a porcupine and then Mrs. Yeager would have to pull out the needles...Penny never won as far as I know. 

Upstate NY has some great lakes to explore from Saratoga, Lake George all the way into the Adirondacks so it certainly makes the Bucket List. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, awesome trip down memory lane. What super fun we had all those years. We all love 4th Lake and had great times there. You forgot all those "rainbows" we caught each year. People used to say we put the same photo in each year but we didn't. Had lots of fun fishing but more fun water skiing and the trips to the Northern Lights each year we all looked forward to.
