Friday, June 28, 2013

4th Lake- The wild life!

Well kids one of the great memories I have and brag about is the animal life in the Adirondacks.  There is a ton of wild life in these mountains from deer and black bears to raccoons and chipmunks.  The fishing was always pretty good and while it seemed like we mostly caught Sunny's and small mouth bass, there were plenty of Rainbow Trout too.

I know now a days the Moms and Dads out there would die if their kids did what's in the pictures below but we loved it. 

See the raccoon on the log behind Uncle Dave

Most of the time we feed the chipmunks and they were so tame that we would cup our hands with popcorn kernels and as the chipmunk started eating the kernels we would slowly lift our hand and the chipmunk would stay in it.
The other thing that we used to do is at night your grandparents would take us for ice cream and then we would go to the dump to watch the bears.  Again now a day parents wouldn't let their kids near the trash but we would drive up, park and get out of the car to watch the bears rummage through the trash.  It was always a thrill to find the bears eating the trash and sometimes there might be 10 or so and other times zero.


  1. If you were doing those fun things today the PC police would be all over you. And wonders of all wonders, you lived through it and have wonderful memories. You weren't scared to live in those days. I am sure it was a lot more fun than a computer camp or science camp.

  2. You are right Larry, we would be arrested and children taken away. I think I liked the easy going fun times back then. As you can see, the kids have fond memories about life in the Adirondacks. Henry do you remember the time you and Chris Estep came up and slept out in a tent. You woke early as you were sure a bear was trying to get in the tent....turned out to be a Irish Setter. Much to the relief of you and Chris!! Not sure if I would want Griffin that close to a raccoon now :-)and we really were not trying to get rid of all of you????
