Saturday, June 1, 2013

Cyr Lake House Tradition

Well kids as you may or may not remember we tried to get a tradition going with our place at Lake Gaston that was jumping in the lake at 5am.  I think most of us did it but that was about it. 

The Cyr Lake House tradition is taking a shot of S'more flavored vodka with everyone as a group.  I can see these pictures becoming framed and on their wall of fame!  Marie took the picture while all of us took our shots and she got some great shots.  As a matter of fact there were so many that I decided to do a separate post so I could include all the good ones.  Make sure you click on the pictures so they expand and you look close at everyone's expressions.

Everyone ready?

Everyone telling me to man up since I couldn't do mine in one gulp

Look at Clarissa's face
 Jeff, Susie and Clarissa with funny faces


1 comment:

  1. Great pictures...must have been one helva drink :-)
    Looks like you all had fun in the sun
