Sunday, June 2, 2013

Graduation Week! Go Ryan!

Well kids Ryan's pictures are going to be a little different then the rest of the kids...when he graduated they were holding it at the Shriner's club and each family only received 4 tickets.  We decided that your grandmother's would go with us.

That being said we are limited on the after ceremony pictures but have plenty from the party at our house. 



  1. I remember this graduation very well since Henry Sr. and I were left behind and missed out on all the speeches. Darn! Ryan was the first gkid out of High School and it sure was a big event.

  2. I, too, remember it and find it hard to believe it wasn't just a year or two ago. How time flies! Congratulations again to Ryan on the graduation and to you and Barb. You did a great job getting him through and putting on such a great party to celebrate it all.

  3. Great day with our first grandson graduating. Lots of fun and glad Gerry and I got to go to the ceremony. Perks for being the Grandma's Gerry :-)

  4. Henry & Barb always liked you two BETTER!!!!!!

  5. RYAN, we were and remain proud of you! The first picture in your gown is one of my favorites! 1,000 watt smile! What a wonderful day this was...and it seems not that long ago. Love you!
    Yes, Dads, do favor Moms!! We're no dummies! BUT, I think you ought to thank us for being so thoughtful...we saved you having to give the blow by blow recap of everything that happened to your ladies! You know they would have asked a million and one questions.
