Monday, June 17, 2013

Father's Day Celebration

Well kids as you know we celebrated Father's Day last weekend since many of you had weekend plans on Father's Day.  We had a great time and were able to celebrate with all four of you and your spouses along with Grandma & Grandpa Clark, Uncle Tom, Auntie, Larry, Jane, Grant, Eddie, Vickie and special guest Lee!

The celebration started on Saturday night with just Tom, Darlene, your grandparents and Grant.  This included speedies, a fire and for some a dip in the hot tub.

Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Tom
 Tom and Darlene
Grandma, Mom and Grant

Sunday was the big celebration and it started around 1pm.  Today we cooked hamburgers and hot dogs along with all the trimmings.  Of course whenever we get more than 6 people together the corn hole boards have to come out. 
Tom, Vickie, Stephanie & Taylor

Sean, Shawn, Lee, Eddie, Tom & me

After many tries Grant gets the fire going with a little help from me

You kids gave me a charcoal starter to go along with the grill you gave me

Look at the house between the windows...yep that's where the TV is going next year!! 

Grandma and Mom

Lee and Sean

Ryan and Grandma

Jared and Uncle Larry

Eddie, Vickie & Dee in the background

Jane, Grandma, Grandpa and Mom

Mom and Stephanie

Sean and Taylor
Griffin and Auntie
Great fun, great company, great food, great gifts, great bonding time and I still made it to bed by 9:30!


  1. You forgot to add great hosts to that list of greats at the end of your post. 9:30??? Really? Just asking. Thanks to you both, Barb and Henry for a wonderful time. Loved it. Love you! Truly was great.

  2. Glad to see everyone had a good time celebrating Dad's Day!!! Looks like all the fathers and others had a super day. Same here except we had to move to the garage because of rain. By the time we ate, rain stopped but stayed there anyway. Love the picture of Auntie with Griffin. He sure is the hit of the day...sorry Dad's.

  3. Thank you for including us with your Father's Day celebration! We really enjoyed the company and especially meeting our great-great nephew Griffin!!!!!!!!!!! What a cutie! We really had a great visit.
    Love Auntie & Uncle Tom
