Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day Dad

Well kids as you know whenever you ask what I want I always say to spend the day with you and your grandfather and I do make it a point to spend a lot of time together so I have some great memories of the things that we have done and I am always excited about our next adventure! 

They say you learn great things from great people and I certainly try to pick up on some of his great traits. 

Thanks Dad for spending time with me and giving me life long memories...except you could have been a little easier on me during the restriction days!  LOL

Grandpa and Great Grandpa
Great Grandpa, Grandpa and me...splitting wood!


Massey Farm

Checking out Aunt Sandy's new car

Grandpa, Aunt Donna and Uncle Mike at Logan's

Grandma, Grandpa and Uncle Dave at Homestead
 Have a great Father's deserve it!


  1. Happy Father's Day, Henry! I love the picture of the 3 Henry's splitting wood. I remember you together doing it. Don't know if this is a picture from that time or not. Have a super Father's Day! Thanks for making Henry so that he could be the father of our children!!

  2. Great pictures....of a great Dad and grandfather! We were all lucky to have the parents we did.

  3. Awesome tribute to a great Dad. Tough sometimes but always fair...well most of the time Henry. Your restrictions did get a little carried away at times. But, we all survived. We are lucky to have so many great memories of past years and current ones. Thanks to all our great kids for making him the great Dad he is.
