Sunday, June 30, 2013

Legacy Tree

Well kids I am not sure how old this tree is but it is the big tree on Morrison between entrance #1 and #2. They said it was starting to lean towards the road and could fall during a storm so they took it down. Seems like a shame since it was so big and nice to look at everyday.
I have no clue why they call it the Legacy Tree but that's what your mother said and she is always right!



  1. Sad day in the 'hood! The tree was so big & beautiful to look at .... now just the "little" trees are left.

  2. They are doing that in our area too. Binghamton residents had a fit as they pretty much cleaned out all one residential street. Too bad. I know they need to take some but they seem to go overboard at times. Our neighbor behind us had it happen to her. They told her they were taking down 3 trees and cleaned out her whole lot. Looks awful. Big Government doing as they want. Plus they didn't even cart it away, they left it for her to do.

  3. Seriously.....a put some random tree they took down on the POD. WOW are you OLD....
