Saturday, June 29, 2013

4th Lake-Mountain Climbing

Well kids one of the yearly events that we did was climb the mountain trails.  There were several trails that went up the side of the mountains and when you reached the top you had a great view of the lakes.  The one we did the most was Baldhead Mountain which was located right in Inlet, NY.

Check out my pants!! 

Did you notice the coats?  We would always have to bring winter clothes on our summer vacation because you never knew what the temperature was going to be like!!

The island you see is Boy Scout Island and the Boy Scouts use to camp on it but as the years went on that stopped and some actress bought it.  Our place was located on the far bank kind of where the inlet is.

As we got older Baldhead Mountain wasn't challenging enough so we moved on to other ones that I can't remember but they had longer and steeper trails.  Of course now that I look back on it this had the best view since it was of 4th lake. 

As an added note...there were no TV's at 4th lake and barely any radio reception so you know what that means....3 weeks of lots of bonding time!!!

Can't wait to get back there some day to spend some time and climb more mountains so I am adding it to my Bucket List.


  1. What a trend setter you were back in the day, Henry!!
    I have very fond memories of fun times at 4th Lake. Even tho I was only there on 2 different occasions, it was enough to make me fall in love with the area. Sounds like a road trip with all the families needs to be booked! We sure need to hike the trails again & again & again so we can look a little closer to "the way we were".

  2. Love the pictures but and believe I went out I public with "whatever" on my head. He He
    It was fun every year.

  3. Just a added thought, we always told you we could have no TV as we had to "rough it". David used to tell us he could still rough it even if we brought a TV...never worked though.
