Friday, June 7, 2013

Visit to Larry, Jane and Grant's House

Well kids last Friday (May 31st) Grant had a birthday party with all of his friends and he invited some adults also.  Your grandparents Clark had just arrived in town to spend the month of June here in Charlotte so it was a perfect time to catch up.  Stephanie was out celebrating Melinda's birthday and Jared went to Raleigh for the weekend but everyone else was able to come for a little while.



At the end of the evening Grant and Taylor got into a nerf gun battle!


  1. Glad Larry & Gerry finally got to see their great grandson Griffin. He is such a cute pie. Looks like everyone had a great time celebrating Grant's birthday. Belated Happy Birthday Grant. Larry & Gerry, enjoy your time in Charlotte. Have a great weekend all and lets hope the rain goes elsewhere very quickly.

  2. Definitely was a great time and super way to start our stay here in Charlotte. I am really tired of this rain, though. Tough on an old bird after months in the dry desert atmosphere!
