Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Another Hodge Podge Day!

Sean, Taylor, Mom and Jared playing volleyball at the pool...as you know your mother loves to play sports but I always give her a hard time telling her she's too old to do this...I won't tell you what she tells me since children read this...

We had mold growing on the front of the house so Sean volunteered to get rid of it for me...sort of.

The Robinson's new outdoor fireplace!  We are planning a weekend getaway to play in the pool, hot tub and now have an outdoor fire.  I know you might say that they only live 30 minutes from our house so why the weekend getaway...refer to picture #1!  Kevin turns 50 later this month so they threw him a surprise party on July 4th.  Below is a picture of the Robinson family.
Joe Sr, Anna, Mike, Kevin, Michele, Joe Jr., Tom

Now I know you all know Carol as miss sweet and innocent but she met her future in-laws at the horse track in Chicago and she sent me a text about drinking beer out of a can and she wouldn't listen to my advice of $5 on #7 so she lost all her money!!  Anyway future Mother in Law in the middle picture and her daughter Jessica with future husband Brian.


1 comment:

  1. Wow fun filled day on POD. You and Sean did some serious work and Barb played some serious volleyball. Love Tom's new fireplace and what a great picture of all the Robinson's. Joe and Anna, you look super. And of course, when do we not like seeing Carol and anyone in her family. When is the wedding by the way? Carol never changes. What a sweetie she is.
