Monday, July 8, 2013

Kids Hodge Podge Day

Joy, Stephanie & Taylor

Girls weekend in Charleston...I have other photo's also but both Stephanie and Taylor said they wouldn't spend any time with me if I posted them!! 

Sean and Taylor were awaken at 4am by this huge bang...Sean search the house and couldn't find anything but then saw headlights out front so he went out to look.  Some guy in his neighborhood was having a bad week he told shit...he hit their fence and tore up the yard pretty good but nothing that can't be fixed.  The guy has agreed to fix everything and wouldn't even take a ride home!


Sean heading to the beach, River heading to the dog hotel and both Sean & Taylor at my favorite restaurant
 Jared had your grandparents over for dinner this past Monday and yes he actually did the cooking and yes they actually said it was good!  Just kidding Jared we all know that you are a good cook and really enjoy cooking.
 New age parenting...rocking the baby to sleep while texting me when I was sitting right next to him!  Baby G sure is getting big.

1 comment:

  1. Great hog pog pictures. Your kids sure have a busy and exciting life.
