Saturday, July 13, 2013

Baltimore Aquarium 1993

Well kids as you learned with Kemosabe there are a lot of meanings for different words...for example when someone says that those kids are Spanish that means "unruly little rug rats that won't listen to their parents"!

The reason that I bring that up is from what I remember when we visited the Baltimore Aquarium you kids were just a bit RAMBUNCTIOUS!!  Now I will take a little bit of the blame because we had a week of amusement parks, travel, late nights and so on but I sure hope one day your kids put you through this too.

Ok well other than that it was a short ride to the aquarium since we were staying at your grandparents house in Silver Spring.  You actually were pretty fascinated with everything and I believe enjoyed the visit.

 Some sad faces in this photo...Mom, Stephanie and Jared don't look happy!
You see the guy holding his head...guess what he is thinking!

Now that's some jump!

Some random kid going up to pet the dolphins because the Hagadorn kids were so rambunctious even the dolphins were scared!

You guessed it by this time I am ready to go!!


  1. Every parent has had those days, weeks, years, decades. LOL
    I LOVE Barb's face! I am sure she is blaming YOU, Henry, entirely as I would have done!

  2. My grandchildren rambunctious...hard to believe!!! That is on my bucket list for sure.

  3. Love the Aquarium and the photos.
