Friday, July 12, 2013

Hersey Park

Well kids for Christmas in 1995 your grandparents Clark gave each of you a giant Hersey's Kiss and inside the box was a coupon for a ticket to go to Hersey Park.  Hersey Park is located just outside of Harrisburg, PA and a little over an hour drive from the cabin.

So the next summer we headed to the cabin for a visit and to cash in the coupons.  Jared and Sean were still a little young (short) for some of the rides but they still had a great time.

 Jared, Sean and me
Sean and me

 Stephanie in the front then Mom, Sean, Grandma and Ryan in the background
 Sean, Mom, Grandma and Ryan


As you can see we got soaked on this ride!
 Sean and me in the front, Mom, Ryan and Stephanie in the next seat back


Sean & me coming down, Ryan watching at the bottom & Mom, Stephanie & Jared on the right side

 Stephanie, Jared, Mom and Sean


  1. I haven't been to Hershey in probably 35 years - looks like everyone had a good time. Great idea for a Christmas Present!

  2. You sure have had some awesome trips. Hope the kids remember all the good times. I remember when we met you there with Cody and it rained the whole day but we still had fun.
