Saturday, July 27, 2013

Trip to NY

Well kids as you know I had a business trip to Virginia and Pennsylvania two weeks ago and the next week I had to be in the Boston and Maine area so I decided to spend the weekend in between at your Grandparents Hagadorn house.

I arrived at their house on Thursday late afternoon and since Donna and Mike were heading to Wildwood, NJ for the weekend we had dinner with them at "The Barn".  This is Kara's family business which includes a golf course and restaurant.  Over the past couple of years they have continue to add on and now have a very nice building for weddings or other events.

The Knowlton's, Grandma, me, Grandpa, Donna, Mike, Cody
MKM is the first letter of each of the girls names
Mike and Cody
On Friday I worked in Binghamton and we went to Consol's with Sandy and Matt....sorry for some reason no pictures were taken??  During the day your grandfather and I did go by Lupo's for some speedie sandwiches.  Lupo's has been there forever and was one of my favorite places when I was in high school.

Saturday we went by the new church that is replacing the current one that your Grandmother goes to.  They hope to have it completed by Christmas.



I know this is going to sound strange but from the church we went to the bar that the Knowlton's daughter Melissa and her husband own.  I had never been there and wanted to see it so we had a quick beer and then headed back to the house.

Saturday night we went to another favorite Harry Tufts were Sandy joined us again for dinner.


Sunday was a nice relaxing day around the house with tons of food.  Short visit but a great visit and yes even at 53 your grandmother still spoils me!

Thanks for a great weekend NY Hagadorn's & NY Clarks!


  1. It looks like Sandy has become a FREE LOADER!!!!

  2. Wow the weekend just flew by but we sure packed a lot into it and it was fun. And, you even survived your sisters Henry :-) Thanks for a great visit and I will spoil you

  3. Hello....Sandy has not become a FREE LOADER....I was ALWAYS a free loader! I am always available for free food whenever you want!

    It was a great visit BUT I wish you'd bring your wife more...I think I like her better than you most of the time!
