Sunday, July 28, 2013

Visit to Maine

Well kids as you know from yesterday's blog I had some meetings in the Boston and Maine area this week so Monday morning I was on the road around 8am with my first meeting in Middletown, NY about 2.5 hours away.

From there I drove to Leominster, MA which is just outside Boston where I stayed for 3 nights.  I had a meeting on Tuesday in Westborough, MA and then on Wednesday I had a meeting in Gardiner, ME which was a 3 hour ride.  The meeting was with a company called Pine State Trading which is where my friend Shawn McBreairty went to work after leaving Hannaford.

After the meeting I drove to Scarborough, ME to meet Ted and Chris for the afternoon.  Ted had arranged for us to go on a "mail boat tour" which was excellent.  The boat is located in Portland and delivers packages, goods and everything else to the islands located in Casco Bay.  The captain said that there were approximately 220 islands in the bay but they only stop at 6 or 7.  These are mostly summer cottages and the people who live or vacation on them can only get there by boat!

You are allowed to bring your own food and beverages on the boat

There is a crane to lift the deliveries on and off the boat and yes that is a refrigerator being lifted on

The freight that had to be delivered on our trip

BTW most of the "summer" cottages were nicer than our house

At one island you can get off and buy stuff at this shop but when Ted said a small bag of chips was $5 I decided to stay on the boat.  A lot of passengers got ice cream cones

This little island is sometimes full of seals but today there were only a few swimming around it.

If you click on the photo it will enlarge it and you can see a seal sticking his head out of the water.

The tour lasted about 3 hours and varies depending on how much stuff has to be delivered.  From here we headed back to Ted's house for a cookout but those pictures will have to wait till Monday.


  1. that's kind of cool - I never thought about how they get packages, etc.

    Although NO WAY would I have gone on the boat - I would have thrown up the whole way and the whole way back!

  2. Sandy, you're a wimp like your Daddy! You could have handled it with me and a couple of cocktails...we'd be laughing so hard that you wouldn't remember you were on a boat!
    Looks like tons of fun, Henry!

  3. Missed this day as we were in DE for a Knowlton Baptism. Great time with everyone. Love the pictures and the boat trip sounds like fun. I remember the mail boat at Racquette Lake that our friend Pres drove. Shawn and Ted and Kris all look too Henry :-)
