Monday, August 26, 2013

Back to School Week

Well kids this week the kids in NC go back to school so I thought I would show you some pictures of your first day of school. 

I have to tell you Back to School became as expensive as Christmas most years which meant just about the time we paid off the credit card we would charged it back up with Christmas presents.  I never really understood why your mother would have to buy so many fancy clothes when all you really wanted to wear was your shorts and a t-shirt but I guess that's why she is the Mom.

The nice thing about Back to was another trick that most parents played on their kids.  See we would start about 5 days early and tell you kids that you had to start going to bed at 7:30pm to make sure you were well rested and ready for school.  This gave us some alone quiet time and it seemed to work till you got into high school.

Anyway I am starting the first one off with a surprise!


Enjoy the week!!


  1. I like the toe-tag they put on us in case we got lost and didn't show up...hahahahaha

  2. What memories for your Mom Henry. In case you forgot, that was Patrick Porter with you. The kids went 1/2 day back then and as much as you didn't agree, you always "rested" in the afternoon but would never admit you actually slept :-)Fun days.

  3. Sandy, you never(almost) showed up for school, especially when you were with Dar.
    Henry, by the look on your face, you were over joyed going off to school. I was also wondering what happened to the blonde hair and PART!!!!
