Friday, August 9, 2013

Cookout at Ryan & Dee's

Well kids this past Sunday Ryan and Dee invited everyone over for a cookout.  Sean and Taylor had plans in the afternoon so they came early and left before we got there and both Stephanie and Jared couldn't make it.

Sean is pushing hard for Griffin to be a NC State fan...not sure what Mom & Dad think of that!

There was plenty of food and drinks for everyone and they did a nice job waiting on the guest!

Lisa, Mom, Griffin, Dee, Lou, Tonya, Jalen and Ryan
Nice picture collage Dee put together 

                                 Tonya and Jalen                                                        Lisa the comedian

Lou, Tonya & Jalen

Thanks Ryan & Dee!!  Great food, great fun and Lisa the comedian kept everyone laughing about her love life!


  1. Looks like a great time!

  2. Great pictures and sounds like everyone had a super time. Lots of fun for Griffin. He is a cutie. Looks like too much fun for Jalen.
