Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Griffin Update August-A day at the pool

Well kids a couple weeks ago your mother watched Griffin on a Wednesday and ended up going to Target to get him a bathing suit so she could take him to the pool.  Taylor couldn't resist the potential fun of his first trip to the pool so she joined your mother.

Grandma when are we going to the pool?

My new swim suit

I'm not sure about this pool stuff...looks a little scary!



  1. Looks like he had a great time. He is getting so big!!

  2. Love these pictures...who had more fun, Grif or Grandma or Aunt Taylor. He is so adorable. He seems to like the pool a lot.

  3. Just tooo cute! All three look like they had lots of fun!!!

  4. OMG, this was so much fun! Griffin wasn't too sure about the pool, sun, or water at first. Soon after, he took to it like a fish and there was no turning back. He splashed all over the place! This was also my first outing with Griffin. tons of fun!
