Monday, August 5, 2013

Guest Blogger-The Winery Tour

Well children this is your mother writing today...Stephanie and I were able to convince your father that it would be a good idea to have a guest blogger once in a while about events that you would be interested in and today I will be the first one!

Saturday Stephanie, Taylor, Vickie and I went to Treehouse Vineyards in Monroe, NC. 

 The day started with lunch at Logan's Steakhouse and all of us ordered a salad.  From there it was on to the winery.


The drive there was a little crazy but once we arrived at the winery we saw the Treehouse but since it was rented we couldn't climb up to see it.  They rent this one by the hour and a new remote one that they rent over night.  The over night one comes complete with a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and sitting area which was amazing...reservations are about 1 year out.

On to the tour, we were seated outside on the patio under a roof with wonderful fans blowing.  The speaker knew quite a bit about the winery, the family history and was very interesting.  The wines of the region are mostly from the muscadine grapes.  Many of them were sweet, but we sampled 2 red and 2 white that were a bit dryer.  Taylor, Vickie and I were very thankful for them.  Stephanie wasn't as impressed and was thrilled when we got onto the sweeter samplings.  We were able to taste 10 wines then have a WinoRita with the wine of our choice!  Think Wine Slushies--very tasty!


After the tasting we saw their operation.  It was surprisingly small.  They have 3 full time employees and 8 part time!  They are going thru growing pains and it was interesting to see the improvements.  They've only been in business selling since 2010. 

The gift shop was saved for last where the WinoRita mix was a favorite of all of ours.   I'm planning on using mine on our outdoor patio!  I purchased a flag that says "Wine Flies When your Having Fun!"  I think that says it all! 

I am going to try to talk Henry into making this fountain below for me...what do you think?

Fun day, great weather, and great company!

Thanks for letting me be your first guest blogger, Henry!



  1. It was a very good blog Barb! And sounds like a great day. Although....WHY go to a steak house and order salad...sounds like a WASTE to me!!! You all looked beautiful!

  2. Fun blog and fun day! Sandy I'm very much a steak girl but next time you're here we are taken you to Logan's for a salad, they are the best! Ill help with making the fountain

  3. Great blog Barbara. You all looked fabulous and sounds like a fun day. The fountain may be a bit of a stretch know your hubby :-)

  4. Well, that was a refreshing blog to say the least and I didn't hear any wining from anyone. Just kidding, couldn't pass that up. Sounds like you all had a great time and maybe something your mom would like to do when we are in the area.

  5. Yahoo for winoRita!! Can't wait for an excuse to make mine!!
